Thursday, May 20, 2010

Week 13


1. Use the tools we have learned in class so far and create a new blog.
  • Dashboard > Create a blog
2. Your blog can be about anything you like. Here are some suggestions:
  • Favorite restaurant
  • Favorite celebrity (singers, actors, etc.)
  • Favorite game
  • What's most important to you
  • Whatever you want!
3. Leave your name and blog address in the comments of this post.

4. Try your best and do an AWESOME job!

* I don't want to give you any rules because I believe that can limit your ability. I believe you all have the potential to create amazing work. This project will be graded mostly on effort. If you are really concerned about your grade and how this project will be graded, come talk to me and I will give you some guidelines.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Week 11

Add 5 gadgets to your blog.

You can add gadgets by going to:
Customize > Layout > Page Elements > Add a Gadget

Choose 5 gadgets that you like and add them to your blog. They should be placed on the left, right, or on the bottom of your blog.

Add a 6th gadget called "Link List" and link to this blog.