Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Week 19

Your grades have already been sent to the office; however, Ms. Harriet Chien has generously agreed to extend the deadline to this Friday (You should thank her). That means I will be checking your blogs again for the LAST TIME at 15:00 on July 2. You'd better send your improved blog to me before then.

IMPORTANT: Your blog will be checked ONLY if you leave a comment to this post or email me at
Make sure you leave your full name, computer class, and blog address.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last Chance! Finish your blogs!

If you need to change or add your blog address, leave a comment to this post.

In the comment box, you MUST leave your:


Vicky Fu
Blog 2

How do you pass this class?
Click HERE or the checklist link on the top to see a full list of what you need to pass this class.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Week 15

Continue with your project. Be creative about it!
Leave a comment with your FULL NAME and NEW BLOG ADDRESS if you haven't already.
Check to see that your name is on the Project Blog list and that the link goes to the right blog.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Week 13


1. Use the tools we have learned in class so far and create a new blog.
  • Dashboard > Create a blog
2. Your blog can be about anything you like. Here are some suggestions:
  • Favorite restaurant
  • Favorite celebrity (singers, actors, etc.)
  • Favorite game
  • What's most important to you
  • Whatever you want!
3. Leave your name and blog address in the comments of this post.

4. Try your best and do an AWESOME job!

* I don't want to give you any rules because I believe that can limit your ability. I believe you all have the potential to create amazing work. This project will be graded mostly on effort. If you are really concerned about your grade and how this project will be graded, come talk to me and I will give you some guidelines.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Week 11

Add 5 gadgets to your blog.

You can add gadgets by going to:
Customize > Layout > Page Elements > Add a Gadget

Choose 5 gadgets that you like and add them to your blog. They should be placed on the left, right, or on the bottom of your blog.

Add a 6th gadget called "Link List" and link to this blog.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week 10

Today, you will create a POST.
Choose one of the following:

  • Make a short video of yourself doing something interesting. You could be playing an instrument, cooking, singing, etc. Show off your talents! Then upload it to your blog by pressing the "Add video" button. Write a description of what the video is about on top of the video.
  • Look for short videos on the Internet about something interesting that you would like to share with your classmates. Explain why you chose that video and why you want to share that video with everyone then embed the video into your post.
    1. Find the "Embed" button and copy the code that is given to you.
    2. In your post, click "Edit Html"
    3. Paste in the code.

Go to student blogs and look around your classmate's blogs. Find one you like and make a comment.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 7

Take a look at your blog. You should have a total of TWO pages on your blog right now.
  1. About me
  2. Memory
This week you need to create a How-To page. Think of something you would like to teach other people. You need at least 5 steps and each step needs a picture.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Week 4

Continue with the instructions in Week 3 - finish it today!

Make sure your name is on the list in the Student Blogs page. If it is not, hurry up and put your full name and web address in the comments of this post.

-Make sure your "About Me" is on a new PAGE, not post.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Week 3

Make sure you have these things done:

1. If you have not created a blogger account, download this and follow all the instructions inside.

2. After you have finished creating your blog, click on comment on the bottom of this post. Write your full name and blog address ( in your comment. Make sure your comment was posted!

3. Now go to your blog. On the top right of your screen click Customize > Posting > Edit Pages and create a new page. Name this page "About Me" or some other fancy related title. You should already be done with the content for this page! Just copy and paste the information. Once again, make sure your "About Me" page includes:
  • Your full name
  • A current picture of yourself (I must be able to see your face)
  • 6 random things about yourself
  • Make it interesting!
4. Next, create another new page. Choose one of the following topics for that page and decorate it with your memories from 8th grade!
  • Funniest moment (Describe what happened. Put up pictures of friends, places, things)
  • Scariest moment (Describe what happened. Put up pictures of friends, places, things)
  • Happiest moment (Describe what happened. Put up pictures of friends, places, things)
  • A project you did in class (Describe the purpose, materials used, process, and results. Put up pictures!)
5. When you are done with all the steps, save your work!
6. That is all for today!